FERNANDO MOLINA GIL, a Spanish company with CIF: 19003392-X and registered office at Carrer de Joaquín Costa, 63 Castellón (12004) is the owner of the web site: www.lacuinadefernando.com
This website does not save any personal information of its visitors, nor does it use cookies during navigation, nor advertising banners.
You can at any time exercise the right of access, rectification and, where appropriate, cancellation of your personal data provided, by written request addressed to FERNANDO MOLINA GIL, by email to the e-mail: info@lacuinadefernando.com.
Notwithstanding the information received through our email, in accordance with current regulations on data protection as well as on information society and electronic commerce services, you undertake to comply with your obligation. of secrecy of personal data and of its duty to treat them with confidentiality, and assumes, for these purposes, the technical, organizational and security measures necessary to avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data.